My 1981 East German pioneer company is now complete. My previous post, "Bridging the gap" (March 8, 2015) was the beginning of this unit, showing a TMM-3 bridging platoon:
The other platoons of the company consisted of BAT-M bulldozers:
A twin-treadway, cantilever-launched, box girder bridge 65.5 feet in length (20 meters) and capable of supporting 50 tons, all mounted on a modified T-55 chassis.
MDK-2M trench diggers:
Actually, East German engineers in 1981 were more likely to be using the MDK-2Ms predecessor, the BTM:
But I'll have to use what Marcin has provided. I'll just consider my engineers to be extremely well equipped.
Also IMR obstacle clearing vehicles:
Forgive the last two photos
Photos of the real IMR in action seem to be nonexistent.
IRM "Zhuk" (meaning "beetle" in Russian) engineer reconnaissance vehicles:
Which were specifically designed to reconnoiter riverbeds for suitable sites for bridging:
but also for detecting mines, either on land or on the riverbed, the underwater mining of potential river crossing points being common on modern battlefields:
The engineers themselves were generally mounted in obsolete APCs cast off by the infantry. As my company is to be attached to a motor rifle regiment, the APCs would be wheeled, so I'm using BTR-60Ps:
although BTR-152s or even BTR-40s would be possible for engineers in a reserve or training unit. For a company attached to an armored unit, BTR-50PKs would be the most likely.
Each divisional pioneer company had its own reconnaissance platoon of BRDM-2s (or possibly BRDM-1s) for scouting and screening:
which for my purpose, is more usefully cascaded down to the regimental level, which is how I represent it.
And finally, the commander of a pioneer company required only a single radio for contact with higher command and so was usually mounted in a 4WD. I chose a UAZ-469:
But other similar vehicles were just as likely.
And now here is my company:
Engineers, even more so than other types of support units, were prone to have a whole gaggle of various sizes of trucks accompanying them, so to represent that, I added a URAL-375D and a KrAZ-255B to the transport vehicle stands.
Not a bad weekend's work. Now on to the next project!